Women’s Premier Clubs
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 Women’s Premier Lge Clubs
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Explanation of Visitor Star Ratings
Ample car parking with well-equipped clubhouse from which it is possible to watch the match, or with purpose-built terracing immediately in front of clubhouse.
As above except that clubhouse is adjacent or near to pitch but does not provide spectator facilities.
Ample car parking and well-equipped clubhouse with pitch on same site but a short walk from clubhouse. Spectator facilities at pitch.
Pitch within short walk of clubhouse, but no spectator facilities at pitch. Parking may be limited or non-existent.
Pitch and clubhouse are at different locations. However, there is parking at pitch and the possibility of obtaining refreshments. (NB: Refreshments may not be available on all match days.)
Pitch has been visited but none of the above criteria are met.
Pitch awaiting our assessment.